Welcome to my Website!

Who are you?

My name is James Wash, and I enjoy doing a lot of things. I am enthusiastic about:

and more! To learn a bit more about me, check out my about page here!

Why the website?

To make a long story short, social media sucks and 90's websites are cool and unique.

What's this website about?

I'll have it broken into sections, so you can easily find whatever you may find interesting. Thanks for stopping by!


I majored in physics and mathematics in undergrad, and am currently in grad school working to earn my PhD in mathematics! My main interests are in graph theory and combinatorics, though I am also always interested in various bits and pieces of recreational mathematics. You can find an index of my math interests here!


Not many people think of mathematical or science minded types as being creative, but not only is creativity really important for proofs and solving technical problems, many mathematicians and scientists are interested in the arts too - Tom Lehrer is a noted mathematician and musician, Anton Chekov was both author and medical doctor, and even a former physics professor of mine was wroking a rather unique premise for an alien invasion novel!

So it is with me - I've always wanted to practice expressing myself creatively, and my efforts have been spread across a fair few places. So, I figured it's a good idea to have something like this site where I can put everything together in one place! I'll be sorting my things by category.


Telling stories or writing essays is probably the first way I really tried to express myself creatively, and I've always wanted to write. I've often had trouble focusing on anything long enough to really have a "complete" story, but I want to get back into practice, and also post "works in progress" as an incentive to either finish what I write, or just write more in general.

My interests are all over the place - I've tried to write horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, mystery, informative or argumentative essays. Pretty much the only thing I haven't tried to write is poetry!

God willing it will stay that way.


One of the ways my writing expressed itself is I've been interested in writing scripts for movies or plays. Eventually, though, I got interested in making the videos myself and learning how to do different effects with editing and a camera. Now, I have a Youtube channel on which I've posted lots of different stuff - some of it even good!


I've always found videogames really interesting, ever since I started playing them, and wanted to make them myself. Luckily, I've been able to! I have much the same issue as I do with my writing - I often leave things half-finished, getting bored in the middle, but maybe by sharing small janky demos I can be motivated to share more than I have in the past.