You could probably debate what the first "videogames" I ever played was. Growing up I had quite a few kiddie computer games, that came on truly magical looking CDs with "installation wizards", which certainly made a magical tone in its own right. I also played a fair few Flash games, back of course when Flash was still something people would use and play without emulators and shells - back in what most would likely call the "golden era" of Flash games. The first dedicated videogame system I got, though, was a Nintendo DS, a special edition of the DS Lite that was brilliant gold and came with a copy of Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
Sometimes I wonder if Mom regrets getting me this thing.
Whenever I started, I fell in love. Videogames are to me maybe the most fascinating art form - capable of marrying all the different parts of visual and audio and textual artistry with a level of interaction and control unmatched elsewhere. I had to try and make my own, and started in middle school.
My games are posted on two different websites: GameJolt and
Gamemaker: Studio Games
GROM: A lovingly ripped off totally original game I made based on the movie TRON
Gem Jumpin' A simple game I made about a happy wheel protecting his jewel from greedy buzzards. There's not much other explanation.
The Mascot Forest: A short and simple "horror" game I made about trying to escape a forest full of serial killers in mascot costumes. Notably was the first game I ever made for a game jam, over one weekend right before my senior year of high school.
Godot Games
Racquetball: My first game after a years long break, made in Godot because Gamemaker got fairly crappy in the years I was gone. Godot's program architecture makes a lot more sense to me, is totally free, and I'll never go back. A solitaire Pong-like.
Arcade Game In a Week
The Flow Game: An absolutely tiny web game made to practice using Godot and create a puzzle game based on graph theory.
Other Engines
Climber: A short puzzle game I made in Puzzlescript, an easy to use game makeing tool that you can find and use online - just search Puzzlescript! Climber is sort of a platformer puzzler with box pushing. I made it early in my time at Trevecca, where my mood was kind of in a low ebb, which is why I tried to make it kind of cheery and fun.